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ILNP - Identifier-Locator Network Protocol 
ILNP prototype testing for FreeBSD 14.0 @ IETF118/Prague.
A prototype implementation of ILNP on FreeBSD 14.0 was tested and demonstrated at IETF118/Prague. Details of testing, including .pcap files for the communication exchange, as well as videos, can be found here.
ILNP prototype code release based on Linux kernel v4.9.
A prototype implementation of ILNP is available on github. The code is based on extensions to the Linux kernel v4.9, and is specifically to demonstrate mobility in ILNP. A short video of this codebase in a video-streaming experiment using VLC can be found here.
The link to github is at: Please do complete the questionnaire that is linked on that page -- it will help me in trying to progress support for further development of ILNP!
This project is enhancing the Internet Architecture by enriching the set of namespaces. The basic approach to this is to deprecate the concept of an IP Address and replace it with separate Locator and Identifier values a pairing of which forms an Identifier-Locator Vector (ILV). Although the architectural concept is independent of any particular network protocol, our research demonstration will be based on IPv6.
This work was influenced by Mike O'Dell's prior work on the GSE/8+8 proposal for IPv6 and by work undertaken in the IRTF Namespace Research Group (NSRG), although the current work is different in various ways from those earlier proposals and discussions. In RFC6115 (Feb 2011), the IRTF Routing Research Group (RRG) co-chairs recommended that ILNP be pursued within the IETF.
Although our work is architectural, it is driven by actual problems with the current Internet Architecture (RC4984). For example, an operational concern addressed by this proposal at an early stage was the rapid increase in size and in entropy of the Internet routing table, specifically the Routing Information Base (RIB) (RFC4098) of the Default-Free Zone (DFZ). A cause for both routing table growth and the increase in entropy is the method for site multihoming, which depends on adding extra more-specific prefixes globally for each multihomed site.
Another example is support for mobile hosts and mobile networks. Mobile systems support was not part of the original Internet Protocol design, and so supporting mobility requires additions to IP, as well as treating addresses differently, resulting in inconsistent end-to-end semantics ('home' addresses, and 'care-of' addresses in Mobile IP).
An increasingly important concern is that of security and privacy online. The ILNP architecture can support both (topological) location privacy, and identity privacy at the network layer.
We believe that ILNP will lead to several specific advantages over the currently deployed Internet Architecture. These advantages include harmoniously integrating various functionality:
- Support for both site and node multi-homing without increasing entropy in the Default-Free Zone (DFZ) Routing Information Base (RIB).
- Native, scalable support for mobile nodes and mobile networks.
- Identity privacy and (topological) location privacy.
- Native support for multi-path transport protocols.
- Localised addressing (NAT-tolerant networking), by decoupling location from identity.
- IP Security working natively with Multi-Homing, Mobility, and localised addressing.
- Support for traffic engineering (TE) capability through naming.
- A simpler, cleaner Networking API for distributed applications.
A good starting point to is to read the paper from JSAC (2010) then RFC6740 (2012).
Internet RFC documents
The following Experimental status RFC documents were reviewed and discussed within the IRTF Routing Research Group (RRG). The authors are extremely grateful to the IRTF RRG particpants, the IRTF RRG Chair (Tony Li), the IRTF Chair (Lars Eggert) and the RFC Editor team for all their help. (Please see the RFCs, linked below, for other acknowledgements.)
RFC6740 Identifier-Locator Network Protocol (ILNP)
Architectural Description (Nov 2012)
RFC6741 Identifier-Locator Network Protocol (ILNP)
Engineering Considerations (Nov 2012)
RFC6742 DNS Resource Records for the Identifier-Locator
Network Protocol (ILNP) (Nov 2012)
RFC6743 ICMP Locator Update Message for the
Identifier-Locator Network Protocol for IPv6 (ILNPv6) (Nov 2012)
RFC6744 IPv6 Nonce Destination Option for the
Identifier-Locator Network Protocol for IPv6 (ILNPv6) (Nov 2012)
RFC6745 ICMP Locator Update Message for the
Identifier-Locator Network Protocol for IPv4 (ILNPv4) (Nov 2012)
RFC6746 IPv4 Options for the Identifier-Locator Network
Protocol (ILNP) (Nov 2012)
RFC6747 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) for the
Identifier-Locator Network Protocol for IPv4 (ILNPv4) (Nov 2012)
RFC6748 Optional Advanced Deployment Scenarios for the
Identifier-Locator Network Protocol (ILNP) (Nov 2012)
Stephane Bortzmeyer has French introduction / summary information for RFC6740, RFC6741, RFC6742, RFC6743 and RFC6744.
- Miscellaneous
- A demonstration of video-streaming on a mobile node, using the ilnp-public-1 codebase (11 December 2019).
- History of Networking: ILNP and IP Mobility, podcast from The Network Collective (30 January 2019).
- IETF102, Montreal, Canada (21 June 2018), with thanks to Joel Halpern.
- Security, Privacy and Resilience
- Overview of ILNP ("IP Without IP addresses")
- Reducing DNS caching: Running on Zero:
- ILNP: a whirlwind tour:
- Enabling mobile systems with ILNP, Ericsson Research Labs, San Jose, 18 August 2010.
- Developing ILNP, Keynote Talk at FIRE workshop, Identifying Enabling Technologies for Future Internet Experimentation, Chania, Crete, 16 July 2010.
- Evolving The Internet Architecture Through Naming:
- Reducing DNS caching or "How low can we go?", Networkshop38, Manchester, UK, 31 March 2010.
- Handle with Care: Naming, Layering and Caching "Broken" on the Internet, Seminar at University of St Andrews, 20 October 2009.
- DNS Caching: Running on Zero, MSN2009 - Multi-Service Networks Workshop 2009, Cosener's House, RAL, UK. 09 July 2009.
- What's in a name?, Seminar at BBN Technologies, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. 21 November 2008.
- Thoughts on a New Namespace (Overview of ILNP), Presentation to the IRTF Routing Research Group, Dublin, Ireland. July 2008.
- Naming for Networking, Seminar at ICU, Daejeon, Chungghongdo. Republic of Korea. 18 June 2008.
- R. Yanagida, S. N. Bhatti. Mobility Multihoming Duality (dataset). October 2024.
- G. T. Haywood, S. N. Bhatti. Defence against side-channel attacks for encrypted network communication using multiple paths (dataset). May 2024.
- G. T. Haywood, S. N. Bhatti, R. Yanagida. ILNP - Identifier-Locator Network Protocol : FreeBSD 14.0 @ IETF118/Prague (dataset). January 2024.
- S. N. Bhatti. dns-2009-q4-count : data files for paper, "Reducing DNS Caching". December 2022.
- R. Yanagida, S. N. Bhatti, Mobility-Multihoming Duality. Future Internet, vol. 16, no. 10, pages 1-42. October 2024. Dataset is here.
- G. T. Haywood, S. N. Bhatti, Defence against side-channel attacks for encrypted network communication using multiple paths. Cryptography, vol. 8, no. 2, pages 1-26. May 2024. Dataset is here.
- S. N. Bhatti, G. Haywood, R. Yanagida End-to-End Privacy for Identity & Location with IP. NIPAA21 - 2nd Workshop on New Internetworking Protocols, Architecture and Algorithms (ICNP 2021 - 29th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols). Virtual event (COVID-19). Nov 2021.
- R. Yanagida, S. N. Bhatti. Seamless Internet connectivity for ubiquitous communication. PURBA2019, Pervasive Urban Applications Workshop (UBICOMP 2019). London, UK. Sep 2019.
- D. Phoomikiattisak, S. N. Bhatti. End-To-End Mobility for the Internet Using ILNP, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC), vol. 2019, Article ID 7464179, pages 29. Apr 2019.
- R. Yanagida, S. N. Bhatti. End-to-end networking with ILNP in Linux. netdev0x13 Technical Conference on Linux Networking, Prague, Czech Republic. Mar 2019.
- S. N. Bhatti, D. Phoomikiattisak, B. Simpson. IP without IP addresses. AINTEC 2016 - 12th Asian Internet Engineering Conf.. Bangkok, Thailand. Nov/Dec 2016.
- D. Phoomikiattisak, S. N. Bhatti. Control Plane Handoff Analysis for IP Mobility. WMNC 2016 - 9th IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conf. Colmar, France. Jul 2016.
- D. Phoomikiatissak, S. N. Bhatti. Mobility as a First Class Function. WiMob 2015 - 11th IEEE Intl. Conf. Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications. Abu Dhabi, UAE. Oct 2015.
- S. N. Bhatti, D. Phoomikiatissak, R. J. Atkinson. Fast, Secure Failover for IP. MILCOM 2014 - 33rd IEEE Military Communications Conf.. Baltimore, MD, USA. Oct 2014.
- D. Phoomikiatissak, S. N. Bhatti. IP-Layer Soft Handoff Implementation in ILNP. MobiArch 2014 - ACM Wkshp. Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture. Hawaii, USA. Sep 2014.
- B. Simpson, S. N. Bhatti. An identifier-locator approach to host multihoming. AINA 2014 - IEEE 28th Intl. Conf. Advanced Information Networking and Applications. Victoria, Canada. May 2014.
- D. Phoomikiattisak, S. N. Bhatti, Network Layer Soft Handoff for IP Mobility. PM2HW2N 2013 - 8th ACM Intl. Wkshp. Performance Monitoring, Measurement and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Wireless and Wired Networks. Barcelona, Spain. 03 Nov 2013.
- S. N. Bhatti, R. Atkinson, Secure & Agile Wide-Area Virtual Machine Mobility, 31st IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM2012), Orlando, FL, USA 29 Oct - 01 Nov 2012 (cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy).
- S. N. Bhatti, R. Atkinson, J. Klemets, Integrating Challenged Networks, 30th IEEE Military Communcations Conference (MILCOM2011), Baltimore, USA 09-12 Nov 2011.
- S. Bhatti, R. Atkinson, Reducing DNS Caching, 14th IEEE Global Internet Symposium (GI2011), Shanghai, China. 15 April 2011.
- R. Atkinson, S. Bhatti, S. Hailes, Evolving the Internet Architecture Through Naming, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communication (JSAC), vol. 28, no. 8, pp1319-1325, [IEEE] Oct 2010.
- D. Rehunathan, S. Bhatti A Comparative Assessment of Routing for Mobile Networks, 6th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob2010), Niagara Falls, Canada, 11-13 October 2010.
- R. Atkinson, S. Bhatti, S. Hailes, ILNP: Mobility, Multi-Homing, Localised Addressing and Security Through Naming, Telecommunication Systems, vol. 42, no. 3-4 pp273-291. [Springer] Dec 2009. ISSN 1018-4864 print / 1572-9451 online.
- R. Atkinson, S. Bhatti, Site-Controlled Secure Multi-homing and Traffic Engineering for IP, 28th IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Boston, MA, USA, October 2009
- D. Rehunthan, R. Atkinson, S. Bhatti, Enabling Mobile Networks Through Secure Naming, 28th IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Boston, MA, USA, October 2009
- R. Atkinson, S. Bhatti, and S. Hailes, Harmonised Resilience, Multi-homing and Mobility Capability for IP, 27th IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), San Diego, CA, USA, November 2008.
- R. Atkinson, S. Bhatti, and S. Hailes, Mobility Through Naming: Impact on DNS, 3rd ACM International Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet (MobiArch), Seatlle, USA, August 2008.
- R. Atkinson, S. Bhatti, and S. Hailes, A Proposal for Unifying Mobility with Multi-Homing, NAT, and Security, 5th ACM International Workshop on Mobility Management and Wireless Access (MobiWAC), Chania, Crete, October 2007.
- R. Atkinson, S. Bhatti, and S. Hailes, Mobility as an Integrated Service through the Use of Naming, 2nd ACM International Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet (MobiArch), Kyoto, Japan, August 2007.
- R. Atkinson, M. Lad, S. Bhatti, and S. Hailes, A Proposal for Coalition Networking in Dynamic Operational Environments, 25th IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Washington, DC, USA, November 2006.
- R. Atkinson, S. Bhatti, An Introduction to the Identifier-Locator Network Protocol (ILNP), IEEE London Communications Symposium (LCS), September 2006.
- R. Atkinson, S. Bhatti, Naming Enhancements for the Internet, IEEE London Communications Symposium (LCS), September 2004.
Cheltenham Research: Ran Atkinson
University of St Andrews:
Saleem Bhatti